Adulting 101
I took stocks of my life last year when I turned 40.
I scrutinised every major decision I made so far (most of them to be fair turned out as great) whilst I make a list of what else I want to achieve.
The problem is...the list of what I want to achieve is endless. I literally want to, and have been trying to be everything. No wonder I am always tired. Don't get me wrong, I actually do not do even a percentage of what are on my list, nor have the time to. But these "wants" fill my mind. I get exhausted just trying to reconcile my thoughts, and get frustrated with myself for not doing enough.
So unlike my many previous blogs, this blog will be all about untangling the mess in my braid from all the things I want to start, stop, and continue doing. It's all about focusing - discarding what I think I want to do versus the things I truly want to do so I can live my life calmly whilst being the Duchess of Everything.
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