Embracing Minimalism

I used to be an "accumulator" - you know, that person who is not a hoarder but accumulates useful beautiful things. 

Reading Marie Kondo's book was magical and truly life changing for me. I managed to get rid of so much of my possession. I felt joyful for a few months but I still somehow worn down by whatever is left. 

The problem is, I get attached to things I love. I literally invest in each of the things I have financially, mentally, and emotionally. Thus, keeping them becomes an exhausting responsibility. 

Embracing minimalism beyond its aesthetic value and combining it with Kondo's joy principle works like magic for me. I keep everything that brings me joy and have a practical purpose. I will try to share some of these things I am loving to keep throughout this blog, hopefully sparking some ideas for others on what to keep and what to discard. 
